Brad Douglas MD AeroSpace Medicine, AME
* AME services - 1st, 2nd, 3rd class and ATC
Please, Please - Read entire website
Email Dr Brad with ANY Medical Problems, Concerns, Paperwork. CLICK here, Especially if you are NEW to me or have ANY YES answer on MedXpress
Make appointment through this website
Complete MedXpress PRIOR to appointment
Confirm appointment when texted and/or emailed
Please answer all text messages when sent to you by Dr Brad - this is VERY Important

*Click here for Orlando Appointment
All appointments are now ONLY in Orlando. See the Map below for Location - just south of MCO!!!
The FLL office is now Forever Closed and will not re-open.
If you can’t find an appointment time
** i.e. - all appointments appear booked -
Then Join the waitlist!
Instructions for waitlist:
1. Click on location - Appt Area
2. SCROLL down to Waitlist the Click
3. Put your request -
Contact Dr Brad
Email: -
Please use ONLY email for all questions and sending documents/ reports.
1. ONLY send scanned PDF documents - (PLEASE do NOT send JPGs, or converted JPG to PDF)
2. Phone - 954-929-5624 - TEXT ONLY - Please do NOT voice call - Thank you.
Useful Information
Doctor’s Note and what should be contained in the doctor’s note, and Please NO one sentence notes, AND the note NEEDS to be on LETTER head – do NOT bring me a note on a prescription pad paper. And, if the note is handwritten – PLEASE make sure it is legible – if I can not read it, the FAA can not read it.
Name of medication (s)
Why are you taking the medication
How long have you been taking the medication
Is the medication you are using stable or has there been a change in medication
Labs – needs associated labs – and have the doctor write down the lab values, PLUS need a copy of the lab results – i.e. the printout from the lab itself or from your electronic medical record
If you have HTN – make sure your doctor puts down your last few blood pressure readouts (SHOULD be less than 140/90).
If you have Pre-Diabetes – need A1C
If you have Hypothyroidism – need TSH (should be between 0.4 and 4.4)
If you STILL have a kidney stone – also need an Ultrasound or CT Scan
If you are on a Special ISSUANCE – FOLLOW the guidance that is on your SI Authorization – the FAA wants ALL that information – and SHOULD be specifically on the authorization form – and TAKE that to your doctor every time – and show that to the doctor telling him/her that the FAA NEEDS this information specifically.
IF you have questions – email me directly:

Additional Info to be added
Additional information later
To be additional later
To be added later